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Tax reform 2015: key changes
In 2014 year the Supreme Council of Ukraine has adopted the wide range of legislation, which essentially influence over business, especially in the part of tax and fiscal work. Below there are presented key changes in the following spheres: employment relations;  individual income.. more»
Contract price in foreign currency – is it allowed or prohibited?
Present situation on the financial market created a lot of disputable issues for both legal entities and physical persons. Concluding and execution of agreements with contract prices in foreign currency is especially urgent issue. Attorney at law of “Deshunin and Partners” law firm .. more»
Innovations in the 2014 tax law
New year of 2014 has brought us a lot of legislative changes, which should be taken into consideration in business organizing and operation. Therefore, we hereby present an overview of the most significant innovations in the Tax legislation, which came into force as of 01.01.2014 and relate in.. more»
A list of countries with the corporate tax rate is lower than in Ukraine by 5 per cent or more!
Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding transfer pricing, which came into force on 01.09.2013, raised a lot of additional requirements to the legal entities. On 25th of December 2013 the Cabinet of Ministers finally approved the list of countries with the corporate rate lower than in.. more»
"No" to e-money
Recently, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has clarified the position of the Tax Code and explained that private persons who are single tax payers can not make payments through electronic payment systems. Let us remind you that according to Art. 291.6, single tax payers have to pay.. more»
Law company Deshunin & partners
1-3 Kyrylivska St., Kyiv
Medical examination of employees at the enterprise [UA]
Кожен має право на належні, безпечні і здорові умови праці (Ст. 42 Конституції України). Одним із основних засобів правового забезпечення охорони праці на підприємстві є здійснення власником медичного огляду працівників. Роботодавець відповідає за організацію, своєчасність проходження працівниками медичного огляду. Чи вдасться уникнути проведення медичного огляду? Більшість роботодавців постає перед питаннями – медичний огляд це право чи обов’язок? В яких саме випадках необхідно проводити медичний огляд? Чи можна уникнути процедури..
What our clients say about us
"Television and radio broadcasting  companies in Ukraine work in a particular legal environment and are under constant control of many regulatory bodies. It results in setting high requirements to legal support in  terms of high quality and specialization which should be tailored to the  operation of the customer  Lawyers of the law company "Deshunin & Partners" have supported   our TV and radio company from its foundation and continue successfully represent its interests for many years.   "
Television and radio broadcasting company "Nostalgie", Romanyuk Zoryana
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