1 Deshunin & partners law firm - History
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Law company "Deshunin and Partners" is founded in 2009 by practicing attorneys, auditors, accounts and lawyers. High professionalism of the company is based on a 20 year experience in the sphere of law, auditing and accounting. Our goal is providing professional legal, audit and accounting services for small, middle and big business as well as for the physical persons. The Company has received high appreciation of many national and international pharmaceutical, industrial, trade, insurance companies as well developers and the other Customers thanks to fruitful cooperation, successful projects and achieved results. We have created a wide base of permanent Customers and continue its development in terms of strengthening its key practices, hiring leading specialists following the current trends of development of the market of legal services.

 Our target is not only finding effective solutions of complex issues of the Customer but also building trustful relations aimed at long-term cooperation. The Company offers flexible and transparent rates and uses individual approach to each Customer which is based on the objective assessment of its requirements. The cost of the provided services is based on the scope of the performed work and the achieved result.




Law company Deshunin & partners
1-3 Kyrylivska St., Kyiv
Criminal liability for high technology [UA]
Сучасний світ неможливо уявити без різноманітних гаджетів. Розвиток науки та техніки рухається вперед семимильними кроками. Сьогодні вже нікого не здивуєш ручкою-камерою, зникаючими чорнилами, відеокамерою у ґудзику та іншими приладами, про які ще десять років назад можна було лише мріяти. Тому й не дивно, що активна діяльність Служби Безпеки України по притягненню до відповідальності за використання новинок в світі техніки спричинила чималий резонанс серед виробників та покупців «прогресивної» продукції. Підставою для притягнення до кримінальної відповідальності за передові технології є ст.359 та..
What our clients say about us
"Trade mark Winkhaus has 150 years world history and the last 10 years of this history is related with Ukraine. All this time a team of lawyers from the law firm"Deshunin and Partners" have been provided invaluable assistance in solving complex issues related with judicial issues, tax and customs."
LLC Winkhaus Ukraine, Sokolov Oleg Antoliyovych
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